Kevin Wollert has been creating an amazing series of scenes from the Prisoner of Azkaban, including Waiting for the Knight Bus, Buckbeak, and Quidditch. Be sure to follow the link and see them all.
Today in movie history, October 21, 2015, Marty McFly and Doc Brown arrive in modern day Hill Valley, California, coming from 1985 to save Marty's son. To celebrate, here's a vig by Azaghal Gabilzaramul.
Being the huge national park fan that I am, I was quite intrigued by this Lego Ideas proposal from Gavin Gardner. I have even heard the National Park Service is promoting it with cards in their gift shops.
Classic-Castle mod Maedhros has gone through his last ten years in vig form including his love of cross-country skiing, his vocation as a teacher, and his trips to Venice.
Petar Jurković built this wall-vig Dr Who: Impossible Situation. I haven't really watched Dr. Who since the mid-80's so I don't really know what's going on here.