Unfortunately, there were not very many entries in either of the recent lugnet.build.vignette contests. In the Joe Vig contest there were only nine entries, so no prizes were awarded. However, the top three were ranked:
#1- Brendan Mauro's Joe Vig and the Crypts of Anubis
#2- Linus Bohman's Joerassic Park
#3- Bon's Kicking Off?
In the Halloween contest, there were only four entries, so the judges declared a four-way tie.
C'mon, people - let's see more vignette entries! (I have to admit, I didn't get a Joe Vig entry made myself.)
In other vignette news, BrickJournal 5 is out. BrickJournal is an electronic magazine published by Joe Meno and a team of AFOLs focusing on all aspects of the LEGO hobby. This issue focuses on big creations, but there's still a little space for small creations as well. On page 90 there is an article called "You Can Build It: Street Vignette", with instructions to make a nice little street scene designed by Geoff Gray. Joe also kindly mentions your friendly neighborhood vig-blogger in the accompanying write-up. BrickJournal is ultra-cool. Go to Joe's site and download all five issues and read them now.
Okay, I'll start blogging new vigs again shortly.
About time, Bruce! :)
Where have all the vignettes gone? Long time standing...
Actually, the Vig scene is still going strong, albeit quietly. Good times coming soon!
Yeah, yeah, I know I've been a slacker. Um, blame it on the CCC.
So you've got some secret vigs on the way? Cool.
I think the poor performance is a reflection on the choice to host the contest at lugnet. There would have been two more entries, if it had been elsewhere...
The posting system is so clunky, its a big turnoff to even post, and then some of us haven't been able to post for quite a while (and haven't had the motivation to go through the hassle of sorting it out).
Hey, I haven't really checked out lugnet in a long time - I even missed the post announcing the winners. Fun to know that I got in second.
A pity there isn't another place to host vignette contests at.
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