Monday, October 16, 2006

Biblical vigs

Abel Boon presents several scenes from the life of Christ.

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1 comment:

  1. Bruce brought these to my attention via e-mail. Always interesting for me to see how others tackle the same material. At first I thought that first vignette (the leftmost one in the first photo) was Jesus coming out of his tomb, and I was quite surprised that he'd chosen to have Jesus both bald and without beard!

    Of course, the Bible never says that Jesus had any facial hair or any hair at all, for that matter. I myself had even considered using a very non-traditional looking Jesus for The Brick Testament, but in the end, decided to opt for the instant-recognition factor a beard-and-long-dark-hair would provide. Anyhow, on second look, I think that's just a bald Lazarus. But his Jesus is distinguished by having *short* brown hair and a contrasting gray beard. I wonder if that depiction was limited by his part selection or if that's exactly what he was going for.

    The second vignette I thought might be the transubstantiation, but then I saw the explanatory note saying it was the crucifixion. Interestingly abstract. One might think it takes a simplified route by not having to deal with the trickiness of properly getting a minifig into the arms-out-to-the-sides pose, but then again, these three crosses are actually a tricky bit of snot, aren't they? I also have to say that whoever that other guy with short gray hair and a gray beard is in that scene, it kind of looks like he's "taking care of business", if you know what I mean.

    In the second set of vigs, I am again impressed by the bold tradition-bucking choice of a beardless Joseph at the manger. I like that he used a brick-built animal there too, although as is sometimes the case with such brick-builts, it's not entirely obvious which type of animal it is supposed to represent. A dog? A wolf? A dark sheep?

    The ghostly Jesus-of-the-Lake is a little creepy. The use of plates to create the disturbed water is a nice touch though. I'm not sure what the vigs behind that one and behind-to-the-right are supposed to be, but I'm intrigued to see a light gray wooden barrel piece and a white wooden cart. Are those pieces legit? Neato. Any guesses on the chariot vig?

    -Brendan Powell Smith
