Monday, October 31, 2005

Happy Halloween! contest winner

With all the entries in and the witching hour upon us, the curators have announced a winner to the Halloween Vignette Contest - Brendan Mauro's Dark Stories.


Two great creations from Japanese builder Mumu: Sewing Machine and Automatic Ticket Checker.

Joe's Spanish Adventure

Timothy Gould and his wife present Wrong Side of the Fence I: Spain. What a great brick-built-beast. Could this be the start of a series?

One-Stud Vignette?

Hmm, I'm not exactly sure how I feel about this one, but Sugegasa has created a 1-stud vignette called On the Tree.

Big Catch and Too Many Remotes

John Kyle presents some great vignettes, including Big Catch and Too Many Remotes.

Thursday, October 20, 2005

Great scientists

Lenny Hoffmann gives us a sneak peek into his ongoing History of Humanity project with some great scientists, including Newton and Darwin.

Halloween scenes

Daniel Yuhas has two entries for the Lugnet.vignette Halloween contest - Trick or Treat and Witch's Tower.

Wednesday, October 19, 2005

You chose . . . wisely

Anthony Sava recreates a scene from Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade with You chose . . . wisely.

Tuesday, October 18, 2005

Lost Tales of the Adventurers

Not to be outdone by brother Patrick, Nelson Yrizarry turns his hand to the theme with the Lost Tales of the Adventurers.

Johnny and his sherpa encounter danger in the Himalayas in Crevasse.

Dr. Kilroy makes a discovery in Paleontology.

Johnny and Pippin have a close encounter with the Loch Ness Monster.

And many more ...
And many more adventures . . .

Thursday, October 13, 2005

"I told you live bait worked better."

A Norse god goes fishing in Steve Bishop's latest, Thor and the Midgard Serpent.

-Thanks to CC member lil jon for the caption.

Autumn scenes

ElephantKnight is out in the yard Raking,

while Brendan Mauro is ready to go trick-or-treating on a scary night in Dark Stories (by the way, this is an entry in the Lugnet Halloween vignette contest).

Finally, I've previously posted this, but here is my own Autumn.

Monday, October 10, 2005

Trophy Room

Patrick Yrizarry's VLC Trophy Room:

From the memoirs of Marcus Reginald Thunder (1918 – 2005):

“My fondest childhood memories revolve around the great home of my uncle, the famed explorer and adventurer, Jonathan Thunder. His great country-side mansion contained priceless treasures from around the globe, but none were as valuable as the stories told by an old man to an eager young nephew…”

“The largest room in his manor, the great Trophy Room, was furnished only with the collectible souvenirs of a lifetime of globe-trotting and adventuring - prizes from an age when a man could voyage the free earth and leave his great mark upon a thousand foreign lands.”

“Here in this room my Uncle told me the greatest stories ever imagined…”

And some Entomology Vignettes

Sunday, October 09, 2005


Michael Jasper questions the advance of the species in Evolution!?!.

MiniMOCMadness final result

Yep, Patrick Bosman won the MiniMOCMadness 4 with his Bouwput nabij het Scheveningse strand. Here is his prize.

Friday, October 07, 2005

MiniMOCMadness4 winner!

It looks like voting is closed, and Patrick Bosman has won the MiniMOCMadness4 with his Bouwput nabij het Scheveningse strand.

BrickFest 2005

Oops, I never posted any extensive report on the vignettes presented at BrickFest 2005 back in August. Almost all of the vignettes that were there can be found in this gallery.

Fest attendees voted on the different creations, and the "Most Humorous" award was won by Jude Beaudin for Burning Sensation.

Scott Quirk garnered the "Most Contemplative" award with a series of BrickBard vignettes, illustrating different lines from Shakespeare like "What angel wakes me from my flowery bed?" and "O! Swear not by the moon . . . ".

The "Most Intricate" award went to Mangus Langlo for his Under siege!.

Shades of Gray? earned Curt Werline the "Best Sig Fig" prize.

Finally, Adrian Drake captured "Best of Show" with his Death of the Superagent series.

Thursday, October 06, 2005

Katrina relief

Remember the LEGO Toy Drive for Hurricane Relief? Big thanks go to everyone who donated and especially to Anthony Sava, who has done a lot of work gathering these sets up. Check out the haul! It looks like there will be a bunch of happy kids due to your generosity.

Wednesday, October 05, 2005

When in Rome, what should you do?

Emily Brownlow has some ideas. She has a series of vignettes depicting different Roman occupations based on forum ranks on Classic-Castle. When put together they make a bustling Roman forum.


Two new scenes from Moko: Medusa and Penguin.

Still Lost

Walt is in danger in Huw Millington's next installment, Lost 2.

Sunday, October 02, 2005

VLC's galore

Hmm, there's been a real spate of larger Vignette-Like-Creations recently.

This one's larger than others I've highlighted here, but it's just too good to pass up. Lenny Hoffman has started a "History of Humanity" series with The Death of Socrates and Buddha's First Sermon.

Nelson Yrizarry gets groovy with his '70's-era Bachelor Pad.

Bloody Jay presents a scene from Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire with his Dark Mark.

Mumu took official set 4513, Grand Central Station, and created a VLC version with Mini 4513.