Tuesday, March 31, 2009


BrickFest was this past weekend in Portland. I may be wrong, but I don't see a whole lot of vignettes in the photos I've seen. The few I've seen include Chris Wunz's wedding cake toppers (which won best vignette) and some by Corran101 that seem to have won best structure and another prize (if anyone can point me to good pics of the trophies I'd appreciate it). You really need to check the large size image to really see these.

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Sunday, March 29, 2009

Military contest

The LEGO Military Flickr group is holding Group Build Contest 002. One of the categories is Vignettes, with two subcategories - 'army life' and 'rescue':
A vignette is a small scene sitting on a base (ideally not much larger than 8 by 8 studs, at the very most 14 by 14 studs), focusing on a single event or maybe even a more abstract theme. For these vigs, we're asking you to come up with something that could fit either of the two titles above. "Army Life" lends itself to a vig depicting common scenes from basic training, soldiers relaxing between missions, etc. "Rescue" is fairly self-explanatory and works well for any number of action-oriented scenes. Both of these subcategories can be interpreted in any time era you like, from late Imperial up to a futuristic setting.

This was recently discussed on LAML radio.

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Saturday, March 28, 2009

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Where's Scylla?

Sly Owl has published a pair of scenes that, together, he calls Charyblantis. They even fit together - how cool is that?

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Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Death in Zululand

Cuahchic has an interest in African history. Here he depicts the Death of Prince Imperial Louis Boneparte in 1879. He says he's planning more scenes featuring Zulu history.

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Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Welcome back, BimpCast!

The first (?) podcast devoted entirely to LEGO topics is back after a long delay. Steven and Nikki Combs have brought back the BimpCast. To listen, go to that link, or search iTunes for "Bricks in my pocket." In celebration, Stig-Erik Blomquist built a vig of the podcast production. Steven and Nikki challenged you to build your own vig. Welcome back, guys!

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Thursday, March 05, 2009

Hell of a vig

Mr Mandalorian illustrates the famous Jonathan Edwards sermon Sinners in the hands of an Angry God. No this isn't a comment on the marital problems of the Senator and former presidential candidate, but the much earlier theologian Edwards. As a bonus, we also get Sodagoat's take on Hell.

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Monday, March 02, 2009