Thursday, April 27, 2006

Featured V-Pods

Here's a list of V-pods I've featured to date on VignetteBricks. Alphabetical by builder. Updated 3-3-06.

Cunningham, Nathan: Witch blog entry, direct link
Ichigou: Red Card blog entry, direct link
Izzo: Circus blog entry, direct link
Izzo: Dolphin show blog entry, direct link
Mizuki: Contacting aliens blog entry, direct link
Sugegasa: Vignette Pod blog entry, direct link
Yrizarry, Nelson: Ice fishing blog entry, direct link
Yrizarry, Nelson: Live wire blog entry, direct link
Yrizarry, Nelson: On the bayou blog entry, direct link

Wednesday, April 26, 2006

This valley is just one long smorgasbord

Mark Stafford reports that "following a clue from a Yithian Scroll Pippin, Johnny and Adam Redshirt are attacked by a strange worm like creature from beneath the ground" in Offspring of Shudde M'ell.

Rusty Brain?

Maciej Koszyka's robot has had a brain freeze, so he asks if it needs some Oil in your head.

Monday, April 24, 2006

One dream one soul, one prize, one goal

Nathan Cunningham depicts the sole survivor of the Battle of Cumorah in Moroni.

Life in a teeny tiny science library

Lenny Hoffman has created a series of 4x4 mini-vigs documenting his workplace in Life at Dirac Science Library.

Sunday, April 23, 2006

We're gonna party like it's 1001

Steve Bishop celebrated his 1001st post on Classic Castle by vigging three events from the year 1001 AD, including Leif Erikson lands in America.

Sorry 'bout that

Derek Schin presens The Apology.
I like you, but not
Enough to take you to the
Hospital. Sorry.

Tom loves hot fried cookies ...

Trustworthy, loyal, helpful, friendly, courteous ...
Yes, that is how I first remembered them.
Nathan Cunningham is starting a vig series on the Scout Law with A Scout is Trustworthy.

Thursday, April 20, 2006


Dellta presents an interesting series of Shadow creations.

Vigged from today's headlines

Steve Bishop imagines that Joe Vig, hearing of recent events following the publication of cartoons of Mohammed in a Danish newspaper, figures he'll smooth things over with A Poorly Planned Peace Gesture.

When asked if he supports marriage rights for homosexuals, Andrew Becraft responds I do.

Wednesday, April 12, 2006

Is Lugnet dying?

Back in the day, Lugnet was THE place for AFOLs to meet on-line. LEGO builders from around the world met there to discuss their hobby, share creations, plan gatherings, and generally chit-chat with eachother. In the past couple of years, tons of other sites have grown up to rival Lugnet for the AFOL's attention - forum sites, individual LUG sites, blogs, podcasts, etc. At the same time there have been various administrative issues and public spats on Lugnet. As a result, some think that Lugnet is dying. Here's Nelson's commentary in vig form. Personally, I think the proliferation of sites has been a very good thing. I think there is much more LEGO talk on-line these days, and our hobby's visibility has grown beyond a small geek niche to gain recognition in many widespread internet communities. However, I do think there was a lot of good to having one forum where fans of all different LEGO themes, from all around the world, could come together and chat. What do you think? Is Lugnet dying? If so, is that a death-knell to the community, or a springboard for new creativity?

Mists of Darkness

Nathan Cunningham presents another scene from the Book of Mormon - Mists of Darkness.

May the Vig be with you

Izzo presents a great series of Star Wars vignettes, including Episode 3 and Hoth.

Tuesday, April 11, 2006

Baseless vigs

These aren't really vigs in that they're not place in a defined setting, but Martin Jaspers and Michael Jasper have created a series of minifig creations that have very vig-like qualities. These include Martin's Painter with Muse and Michael's Snow White.

The most dangerous vig

Steve Bishop imagines Joe coming between General Zaroff and Sanger Rainsford in Joe Vig and the Most Dangerous Game.