Wednesday, November 30, 2005

I'm dreaming of a viggy Christmas

Christmas is fast approaching, when children will be snuggled all warm in their beds, with visions of new LEGO gifts in their heads. It's also time to start highlighting holiday-themed vignettes.

Marley's Ghost comes to warn Scrooge in bumblejeep44's A Christmas Carol.

Jhasset created this Santa as a decoration.

And, rounding out today's offerings, k-hatch asks if you've been Naughty or Nice?


Sekiyama produces a scene inspired by comics and anime by Kozue Amano in MizunoMiyakoE.

Going shopping

Kcaster has two linked vigs forming a Japanese Market.

Sittin' on the dock of the bay

Nelson Yrizarry is watching the tide roll away in Sittin.

Monday, November 21, 2005

Henry and the Pope

Around the last turn of the milleum, the rulers of Germany were locked in a power struggle with Rome. In 1075, Pope Gregory VII demanded that King Henry IV renounce his power over the German church and threatened excommunication to those who supported Hnery. In 1077, as illustrated here by Johannes Koehler, Henry traveled to Italy to do penance and receive absolution from Pope Gregory. Conflicts continued, though, eventually leading to war.

Two from ElephantKnight

ElephantKnight has posted some new vigs, including Snowed In and Watch for Trains.

Arrrrrrr! Welcome to Port Royal

Okay, this one is a bit large even for a VLC, but it's so wonderfully reallized that I have to post it here (and, hey, it's my blog, so I can break my own rules). Barbara Werth has created a memorable scene from Pirates Of The Caribbean - The Curse Of The Black Pearl - Jack Sparrow's Arrival.

Monday, November 14, 2005

Colossal Castle Contest III

Not really vignette related, but I'd like to point all interested LEGO fans towards the Colossal Castle Contest III,'s annual contest featuring great prizes in several castle-themed categories. You could even build a castle-themed vig if you want and submit it in the "misc." category. :)

Sunday, November 13, 2005


Nathan Wells has a great bee solution in Beekeeper.

Rise of the Inferi

Pedrocon illustrates a scene from Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince in the VLC Inferi.

Tuesday, November 08, 2005

Monday, November 07, 2005


When I started this blog I listed links to other LEGO-themed blogs, that can be found on the right-hand side of the front page if you scroll down. Well, since that time there has been a virtual explosion of LEGO-themed blogs. Several other blogs have started up since this one, and I've also learned of the existence of many others. In particular, there are a whole bunch of Japanese-language blogs out there. Anyway, scroll down on the right-hand side and check them out.

Thursday, November 03, 2005

ILENN - International LEGO Enthusiasts News Network

Kelly McKiernan has announced a new website ILENN - International LEGO Enthusiasts News Network. It's not yet complete, but this site gathers LEGO-related news from a number of news organizations, LEGO fan sites, and even blogs like VignetteBricks to give a quick update on what's going on in the Legoverse--essentially the CNN Headline news of the AFOL world.

Wednesday, November 02, 2005

Rosa Parks 1913-2005

My latest: Fifty years ago, in a quiet act of bravery, Rosa Parks stood up for her rights by sitting down. Today this "mother of the modern civil rights movement" was laid to her final rest. Rosa Parks.